Italian master prints

From Raimondi to Piranesi

7 March, 2013 - 21 June, 2013

This exhibition exhibits some of the best works in history of Italian engraving. They stand out for their rarity, a complete series of Carceri by G. Battista Piranesi, some of the vedutte of Antonio Canaletto, pieces very little seen in our country and less in the artistic market; of G. Battista Tiepolo exposes an entire series of Capricci, 10 works of fantastic and imaginative character and also little seen in our place.

These three great names of the Italian Settecento are accompanied by prints of other important artists as Marcoantonio Raimondi, Anibale Carracci, Federico Barocci, Juseppe Ribera, Salvatore Rosa, Carlo Maratta, etc. and a group of the best engravers from the 16th to 19th centuries, such as Giorgio Ghisi, Bartolomeo Coriolano, Vespaciano Strada, Benedetto Castiglione, Stefano Della Bella, Simone Cantarino, Pietro Testa, Michele Marieschi or the son of Giovanni Batista Piranesi, Francesco.

In short, a magnificent opportunity to approach the main figures of Italian art to spot the evolution from the Roman Renaissance, to Venetian Vedutism of the Settecento. Much more than Piranesi.

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