P. FARINAT (from);
GILLES ROUSSELET (1610-1686) (engraving);
PIERRE MARIETTE (1596-1657) (editor)
Paris, ca. 1635-1647.
Laid paper with a watermark of a bunch of grapes.
Good condition. With margins.
As other classical divinities, Diana undergoes changes in her attributions.
At the beginning, Diana was the protector goddess for hunting and for the savage animals, which indicates ancient worship. As his brother Apollo, she was an archer divinity. As the time goes by, she acquired other attributes such as the helper in labor, sender of plagues, provoking sudden death or healing mortal people, that’s why she was invoked in spells for those cases.
Finally Diana was assimilated as the Moon, consequently she is represented with the crescent moon as a headband.