Relacion de las diversiones, festejos públicos y otros acaecimientos que han ocurrido en la ciudad de Barcelona, desde el 11 de Setiembre hasta principios de Noviembre de 1802, con motivo de la llegada de SS. MM. y AA. á dicha Ciudad


BOVENTURA PLANELLA CONXELLO (1772-1844) (engraver);


Barcelona, ​​1802.

Description of the festivities held in Barcelona on the occasion of the entry of Charles IV and his royal family in 1802. This Mask, together with the one published on the occasion of the arrival of Ferdinand VII, are the two most remarkable after that of Charles III for their high graphic quality.

Binding in half leather and watercolour paper. Quadruple pagination and five parts. 1st: f. 1-35; 2nd: 1-30; 3rd: f. 1-12; 4th: 13-24; 5th: I-6.

Illustrated with thirteen folded etchings by Bonaventura Planella Conxello.

Good state of preservation.

Size: 210 x 155 mm
Price: 2.000€