This exhibition, focussed on Valencian drawings from 17th to 19th centuries, includes some works from the private collector Miguel Martí Esteve (Castellón, 1869 – Valencia, 1939), great-great-grandfather of the Valencian sculptor José Esteve Bonet (1741-1803) great-grandson of the engraver of the King Carlos IV, Rafael Esteve Vilella (1772-1847) who was Director of Engraving of the Academy of Fine Arts of San Fernando. Because of its provenance and because of its quality, it is undoubtedly one of the most interesting collections of Valencian drawing of modern times.
With more than fifty drawings, all unpublished, form a wide panorama that goes from authors of the last baroque like Vicente Salvador Gómez, Juan Conchillos, Mosén Domingo Saura and Hipólito Rovira to eighteenth artists like Ignacio and Jose Vergara, emphasizing in particular the drawings of Jose Camarón Bonanat and his sons. Rafael Ximeno, Rafael Esteve, Vicente Castelló and especially Vicente López, are widely represented. Drawings that, because of their beauty and historical-artistic value, allow us to capture the style of each artist in this crutial artistic discipline.